Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Family Farm

I took these photos a few years back.  It was my first semi-official photo shoot, so I thought I would share.

Some sweet folks out on their beautiful family farm.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

In the beginning...


For anyone stumbling upon this site that does not know me, I am Corinne. I am starting a blog to have a place to get my art, my thoughts, and possibly a few random ramblings out of my head and into the world for anyone who may share some of the same joys that I do or may have an interest in my work. 

I have toyed with the name mudpuddler for a long time. I honestly don't remember when the idea first came to me, but I know it has been years. Butterflies have held a lot fascination for me growing up. I love the idea of rebirth from their cocoon and the new, beautiful life that they represent (and I am a Happening alumni - for any fellow Episcopalian youth groupies out there). 

When I read about mudpuddling and how the butterflies drink the nutrients out of the mud I had the image of the all the dirty, ugly, hard things we go through in this life and how when we drink the living water of God's Spirit through these things we are nourished and made beautiful for His glory. 

I love to make things, all sorts of things... crafty things with my two little girls, fine art for a friend, a program design for a corporate event or just capturing life from behind the camera. If I had to pick, my favorite artistic medium is clay. I really do love getting dirty in the mud and creating. A muddy pair of jeans, a box of clay and maybe a wheel, and outside of my sweet family, their isn't much more in this world that makes me happier. So it makes the name mudpuddler even a better fit for me in my adventures in art and life.

And from this, my mission, my purpose for this blog, and really in life...

Mudpuddling butterflies find nutrients they need to sustain their lives by extracting the liquid out of mud puddles. They have to wade in the mud to sustain their beauty and life.

The dirt I dig into is that of the One who is the Creator (Isaiah 40:26). Drawing the life-giving nutrients from His Word and letting it flow through and sustain me. I want my art and my life to reflect this. Whatever medium I am working with is a venue to reflect God’s glory through the life and talents He has given me. 

I am a mudpuddler.